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We agree on these things:

Mismanagement of the springs and other water assets will cost all of us.

The reason we are all running is because we know that mismanaging our water can and will have devastating effects on everyone's water supply. Rancher's wells are running dry, the water table is dropping like never before and our spring is regularly running dry. Right now some permitted pumpers are pumping more water than our aquifers can supply. If the water supply in Kinney County dies, Kinney County will die.

We have the data and the facts for you. We can prove with easy-to-understand data that past and current mismanagement of our water is hurting all of us. Click here to learn more!


We VOW to manage our water fairly!

For too long Kinney County's water has been unfairly managed to benefit the few and not the many. With your votes this mismanagement will change. When our county suffers droughts, everyone must sacrifice, including permit holders. 

REGISTER: Monday, October 7, 2024 is the last day to register to vote for the November 5, 2024 Uniform Election. Visit for more information. 

EARLY VOTING: October 21st through November 1st 2024.


ELECTION DAY: November 5, 2024

Make a plan to CONSERVE water during times of drought.


PROTECT the springs, aquifer, and groundwater in Kinney County

RESPECT the property rights of ALL members in Kinney County.

UNITE our community by striking a balance between sustainable water resources and growth in Kinney County.

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